Tips & Resources

Streamlining Workflows Without Hurting Morale

Guest contributor
By Guest contributor
07 September, 2023

How can you go about streamlining business workflows without negatively affecting workplace morale? Learn everything you need to know in this article.

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If you’re looking to improve the way your business is run on a day-to-day basis, you’ll want to learn everything you can about streamlining workflows. Doing so helps you get more done in less time while trimming away any processes that don’t work.

But how can you do this in a way that keeps your employees happy and motivated? In this article, we’ll explore the top ways to improve workflows in your business without damaging staff morale. First, though, let’s cover a few basics.

What are workflows?

Simply put, a workflow is a series of activities that are necessary to complete a workplace task. They can consist of many steps or just a few and might be made up of any number of smaller tasks. Bigger projects typically consist of multiple workflows.

Your business likely has daily ‘to-do’ tasks. These will typically either be workflows or contribute to their completion in some way.

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For example, say your business collects and processes customer information each day. The full process of gathering and then synthesizing this data would constitute a workflow, while sub-tasks like checking information had been entered correctly would make up these workflows.

Now on to the second part of the equation: morale.

How can you improve morale while streamlining workflows?

The best way to keep morale high is by placing the employee experience at the heart of any changes you implement. The mention of “streamlining” may cause staff to worry about job cuts, especially when you bring AI and automation into the mix. It’s important to explain that the initiative is about improving the workplace for everyone, not about replacing people.

For example, before you implement tools or software to manage your workflow more efficiently, start by gathering feedback from the workforce on which features would make their lives easier. That way, they’ll know you’re doing this for the right reasons.

As well as persuading existing employees that efficient workflows are good for everyone, you can set the tone when you onboard new staff. Let them know that you welcome ideas for improving processes so that it’s not just a top-down exercise.

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Streamlining workflows: nine best practices

On to the meat of the matter! In the section below, we share some best practices you can implement to ensure your teams are completing workflows as efficiently as possible—without morale being damaged in the process.

1. Provide the right tools

One of the most important aspects of streamlining workflows is making sure everyone’s got access to the tools they need. Outdated solutions cause frustration, whereas modern, purpose-built tools will empower employees. For example, good workflow management software makes it easier for managers to help when someone gets stuck and to see daily tasks and deadlines at a glance.

However, you have to ensure that the tools will make a positive difference in the workplace. For example, if you choose new software exclusively for its streamlining capabilities without considering its user-friendliness, your staff will struggle to adopt it.

Employees need to know they can rely on the solutions you’ve put in place to help them get things done. This shows them that you care about their needs, not just about the increase in revenue from improved productivity (although that’s a bonus). 

2. Automate repetitive tasks

No one likes being stuck with manually checking or completing tasks that AI could do for them in a fraction of the time. It’s tedious and repetitive, which is not great for morale. That’s why you should consider automating tasks that require little to no human input.

This has two main functions. Firstly, you’ll free up time in employees’ schedules, ensuring they’re able to dedicate their work hours to tasks only they can complete. This gets more work done faster, and it’s far more rewarding for staff to make the best use of their skills.

Secondly, you’ll be able to cut down the time it takes to complete a workflow, thanks to automation. For example, reducing your email response time. As long as you explain why you’re introducing automation, you can streamline without causing any damage to team morale.

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3. Digitize

We’ve already touched on the importance of modernization, and this can’t be achieved without digitizing. Legacy solutions earn their name by being a symbol of the past—one that’s increasingly being replaced by newer, more efficient tools. 

As we mentioned, clunky analog tools are not fun to use, but remember that staff may be resistant to switching from a familiar system. Again, it’s a matter of highlighting the benefits. Whether it’s digital document signatures or a solution that lets you fax online, you should help employees realize that digital transformations bring time savings and a reduction in errors.

4. Focus on team-building

A team that works well together will complete tasks more easily. That’s why emphasizing team-building is a great way to streamline workflows. Also, great teamwork helps reduce the chance of employees feeling frustrated or burned out at work, which has obvious benefits for morale.

Strong teams are great communicators, which means they can identify and resolve problems faster. You can foster teamwork by optimizing communication channels to ensure prompt and efficient collaboration. This includes encouraging real-time communication through instant messaging platforms or project management tools.

5. Provide training

Employees that know exactly what they’re doing will be able to complete workflows faster while expending less effort. This allows them to be more productive without asking them to push themselves too hard or complete tasks they’re confused about without support.

That’s why it’s so crucial to provide robust training, especially when you introduce new tools or processes. You’re showing your employees that you want to help them enhance their skills and professional development and letting them know they’re not on their own.

Plus, with sufficient support, they’ll be able to complete workflows in precisely the ways you’d like them to. This streamlines your processes while bolstering morale.

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6. Simplify complex processes

Workflows can be complicated, but they don’t always have to be. Indeed, it’s worth putting the effort into simplifying processes where you can. For example, you might introduce a tool to help with call flow, eliminating the need for a human operator to manually route calls to the right place.

Or you could use a flow chart maker tool to help visualize and simplify complex workflows, eliminating the need for manual routing. In this case, automation enhances rather than replaces the work of human staff, who can spend more time connecting with callers.

Since this cuts down on the amount of repeated and often complicated work humans have to do, it helps with morale while at the same time allowing you to streamline your workflows. 

7. Tailor your processes

There’s no such thing as solutions that work for absolutely everyone across all companies when it comes to streamlining workflows. That’s why it’s important to take the time and make sure you’re adjusting your internal processes to match your teams’ needs.

For example, say your company mainly operates on a work-from-home basis. In this case, you should invest in tools and strategies to improve remote team collaboration rather than ones created with in-office teams in mind. That way, nobody feels left out of the loop.

By tailoring your tools, processes, expectations, and requirements to your employees’ realities, you show you care about making things work for them. This is a great way to increase morale.

8. Keep an eye on new solutions

It’s always good to stay on top of trends, especially in fast-growing industries like tech. New tools are continually being developed, and by making the effort to stay in the know, you can use them to optimize your workflows while keeping your employees happy.

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More precisely, it’s useful to search for solutions that can help with your employees’ specific needs, filling a gap in their requirements while streamlining workflows. The latest AI technology is a key example—but in case your company was late to the party with group chat apps or email to fax tools, now is the time to embrace them.

9. Get employee feedback

Arguably the most important way to streamline workflows in a way that doesn’t hurt morale is to ask for input from your employees. This is for a few reasons.

Firstly, there’s the fact that employees are the ones completing these workflows. That means they often have ideas about how to improve the way they’re handled as their first-hand experience enables them to figure out what will (and won’t) work.

Employee feedback also helps you tailor your approach, as mentioned above.

Additionally, getting direct feedback from employees lets you place their voices at the center of your decision-making, which is an ideal way to make sure you’re not hurting team morale.

Key takeaways

Streamlining workflows is crucial to keeping your business running smoothly and boosting workforce productivity. By making sure workflows are fully optimized, you can reach your goals more easily and keep growing as a company.

At the same time, you’ve got to keep your employees’ needs and preferences in mind; in other words, morale is key. You must ensure any improvements you implement are embraced by the workforce, so explain the reasons behind new tools and processes and always be open to feedback.

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